Friday, March 19, 2010

Dr Seuss Dad Trampoline

Hop on Pop
Hop on Pop and do not stop
He is the best, yes Pop is top,
When not arresting like a cop.

Dad's back is old but bounces well.
Boys go up and shout and yell.
Screams are heard all over town.
Kids right side up and upside down
Always a smile, never a frown

They enjoy the morning jumping
But muscles in pop's back are lumping
Lumping muscles everywhere
Can I please sit in a chair?
In a chair wayyyy over there?

What happened to breakfast in bed?
“Please feed in bed” the dad had said.
Green eggs (no ham) in bed today
Food makes dad glad on weekend day !!

Toast is the most, with New York Times
Peace and quiet writing rhymes.
Cereal is also good dad food
Helping calm his “daditude”
No food? Then Bad Dad Poet is rude.

Bad Dad Poet goes for a run
Running, phasers set on “stun”.

Stun the dogs, stun the cats
Stun the mailman who wears blue hats.

Stun the Sneeches on their beaches
Stun Horton, whose voice Whoville reaches.

Stun Thing 1 and stun Thing 2
Stun another Thing, please do!
Keep on running, running slow
Legs say “stop” but brain says “go”.
Brain tells legs, “After run, BenGay
So pain in ancient legs goes away”
iPod playing in old Dad ears
Running with Boston clears ears for years.
Exercise helps grow Dad’s brain
With legs, back, knees and feet in pain.

Big run helps Dad stay in shape
No magic spell or potions with Snape.
Pop’s not Superman with a big red cape.
Hop on pop causes insurance claim
Boys are big, their weight can maim.

Dad starts to wonder, “next weekend please”
Dad’s day in park, with wine and cheese.


ChickenUnderwear said...


Anonymous said...

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