Thursday, March 18, 2010

Old Lang Little League

When baseballs fall onto the ground

Between young gloves and hands

The 6 and 7 year olds yell

And parents strike up the band

“Little League is fun, young kids

Little League is fun!!

So eat your snacks and swing your bats.

Go dream of a home run.

Last year the sons of Yankees, proud

Took to the field with steam.

An new year bring new hats and shirts

And the Giants are the team

“Little League is fun, young kids

Little League is fun!!

So eat your snacks and swing your bats.

Go dream of a home run.

No more hitting off the tee

The players are one year older

And when they strike out, feeling mad,

Their language is much bolder.

“Little League is fun, young kids

Little League is fun!!

So eat your snacks and swing your bats.

Go dream of a home run.

One player, was he the Dodgers fan?

Has pants on in reverse

He runs and plays most all the days

As parents whine and curse.

“Little League is fun, young kids

Little League is fun!!

So eat your snacks and swing your bats.

Go dream of a home run.

The boys want to look like pros

When their coach steps up to pitch

A hint to kids: not all uniform parts

Deserve scratches when they itch.

“Little League is fun, young kids

Little League is fun!!

So eat your snacks and swing your bats.

Go dream of a home run.

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