Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Joyce Kilmer Nerf Guns

I think that I shall never see
out of my left eye, leave me be.
Nerf gun bullets fly overhead
Tuesday morning in my bed.

Decending from the sky like rain
poking holes straight to my brain.
Toy guns cause Mom and Dad to curse
And not in pleasant poetry verse@!

These three boys must go outside
Baskets to shoot and bikes to ride.
But TV holds a great attraction
So maybe overnight camp for child subtraction?


ChickenUnderwear said...

Is this poetry by a bad Dad or bad poetry from a Dad?

neil blecherman said...

I think the latter but get accused sometimes of the former. :)

Owais Khan said...

A Nerf war is the term for a battle between two or more players, individually or in teams. Continued