Friday, June 12, 2009

Edger Allen Poe Raven Braces

This poem was a blast to write. The rhyming pattern and rhythm for The Raven is unique and distinctive. The last line of each stanza, ending with the words "never more", is a big fat pitch over home plate to discuss kid's braces.

Because I'm a Vincent Price fan, below the poem I have included a video of him reading The Raven.

Once when teeth were straight and baby, eating peas and carrots (maybe)
Cheese sticks were the rage as high chairs stood upon the kitchen floor.
Pacifier, pointer finger, oral habits sometimes linger
As kids grow from infant to a toddler, pantries they explore.
Touching food and toys quite dirty, with their mouths they do explore
Little mouth safe never more.

Now electric brushes moving on bicuspids small and grooving
Can they keep the teeth safe from junk purchased at the candy store?
Sugar, sweets are quite addicting, children’s action so conflicting
With their clear instructions Mom and Dad, “avoid sweets” they implore.
"Floss your teeth and hold off on the chocolate cupcakes" they implore
One dessert and nothing more.

Little children, growing older, eating patterns get much bolder
Birthday parties, Halloween and cub scout cookouts filled with smores.
Overwhelmed with strong temptation, juice and soda kids can't ration
Adult teeth at angles, child is patient dentist does adore.
“Cavities are fixed but braces needed, smile we will adore".
Chewing gum is never more.

Conversations very honest, Doctor "Ouch" the orthodontist
Told the parents skeptical to open up their wallet more.
Teeth came in at horizontal, in the back and in the frontal
With no treatment, smile will disappear replaced by fangs galore.
Orange braces, visits to the doctor costing funds galore
Bank account’s cash never more.

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