Thursday, June 11, 2009

Iambic Pentameter Minivan

The dents and dings show travel history
across the space and time of young strong sons
It bares a witness to ten summer camps
and devastating school projects of science.
Granola bars crushed into oaty mist
to penetrate the cloth interior.
"Lozano's Brushless Wash" is mystified
and does not clean the van that needs "detox".

Removing scratches yet they all return
to form a map that links school, work and play.
Old moldy orange rots 'neith driver's seat
exuding fruity death perfume for all.
A sushi roll yearns for the sauce of soy
then finds the company of Lego men.
Oh vacuum cleaner, Armor All's big spray
Please find a home in my wife's mini van !!

1 comment:

ChickenUnderwear said...

I posted my son's poem on my blog!